About Our Historians
The historians you see on our website are known to be unbiased, scientific and professional. Look at their profiles. Follow their links.
Dr. Sally-Ann Ashton
Dr. Sally-Ann Ashton has a BA in Ancient Greek from the University of Manchester, and has a BA (Hons) and MA in Classical Archaeology from King’s College London. She remained at King’s to undertake research for a PhD in Egyptian Archaeology.
During this time, she worked as a researcher in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities at The British Museum in London and later as co-curator for the special exhibition: ‘Cleopatra of Egypt: from history to myth’. Sally-Ann then moved to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London as a researcher. She was then appointed as Senior Assistant Keeper in the Department of Antiquities at the Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge with curatorial responsibility for Ancient Egypt and Sudan until 2015. In 2019 Sally-Ann obtained a second PhD in psychology, but she retains an interest in African centered and anti-racism approaches to the study of Ancient Egypt.
Dr. Amon Saba Saakana
Amon Saba Saakana is an archeologist and historian. He received his Diploma (merit) and Certificate (Distinction) in Egyptology at the Institute of Archaeology, Birkbeck College, University of London.
His received his Doctorate in Philosophy in Drama Studies, Goldsmiths College, university of London, where he wrote his thesis: Sites of Conflict: The European Mythological Imaging of the African on the London Stag. Dr. Saakana has Master of Arts in Caribbean literature from the University of East London where he authored Colonialism & the Destruction of the Mind: Psychosocial issues of Race, Religion, & Sexuality in the novels of Roy Heath. He received his Diploma of Higher Education, University of East London, where he authored his thesis: The Colonial legacy in Caribbean literature.
Dr. Saakana is a lecturer at College of Science, Technology & Applied Arts, Trinidad & Tobago. He is also Director and Producer at Inter Communications ltd. He is the author of numerous books on ancient Egypt and Nubia.

- https://www.karnakhouse.co.uk
- https://www.frontlinebookpublishing.com
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- Contact: Brother Natty, Afrikan World Books: +1 410 383 2006.
Dr. Runoko Rashidi
Runoko Rashidi is an anthropologist and historian with a major focus on what he calls the Global African Presence–that is, Africans outside of Africa before and after enslavement.
He is the author or editor of eighteen books, the most recent of which are My Global Journeys in Search of the African Presence and Assata-Garvey and Me: A Global African Journey for Children in 2017.
His other works include Black Star: The African Presence in Early Europe, published by Books of Africa in London in November 2011 and African Star over Asia: The Black Presence in the East, published by Books of Africa in London in November 2012 and revised and reprinted in April 2013 and Uncovering the African Past: The Ivan Van Sertima Papers, published by Books of Africa in 2015. His other works include the African Presence in Early Asia, co-edited by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. Four of Runoko’s works have been published in French.
As a traveler and researcher Dr. Rashidi has visited 120 countries. As a lecturer and presenter, he has spoken in sixty-five countries.
Enesa A.M. Amen's Black Pharaoh
BLACK PHARAOH volume 1 is an anthropological reboot of Egyptology. Beyond archeology and language, the text addresses the genetic and cultural identity of the ancient Egyptians. Irrefutable proof-positive, via DNA evidence, of ancient Egyptian Africanity is presented. Then, the Paut Neteru (ancient Egyptian cosmology) is shown to be the key to pushing past Egyptology’s frontier, which is the ever-evasive cultural comprehension. This key simultaneously shows Kemetic culture to be core African, further establishing the biocultural kinship between peoples of the ancient Nile Valley, their horn African ancestors, and their Sub-Saharan progeny.
8 Chapters, 418 Pages